Association Française de Promotion de la Recherche Médicale/ French Association for the Medical Research Advancement
Page d'accueilActions engageesVigilanceProcalcitonine en Médecine Légale

Les travaux sur la procalcitonine pour orienter la cause de décès, ont fait l'objet d'un article "Procalcitonin interest to assess a septic state inducing the death" qui est publié dans "Forensic Medicine and Anatomy Research". Ces travaux ont été menés par les équipes

1- "Groupe Recherche & Expertise" de l'Association Française de la Promotion de la Recherche Médicale (AFPreMed)
2- Laboratoire Claude Bernard, Centre Hospitalier René Dubos, Pontoise.
3- Unité Médico-Judiciaire, Centre Hospitalier Emmanuel Rain, Gonesse.
4- Service des Urgences-SMUR Centre Hospitalier Léon Binet, Provins.

Mots clés: Procalcitonine, septicémie, biomarqueur, syndrome malin des neuroleptiques
Key words: Procalcitonin, sepsis, biomarker, neuroleptic malignant

In this prospective study, we evaluated the use of PCT when collecting the body which was carried out. The chosen cut-off was set at 10 ng/mL because at this level, the PCT was associated to a multiorgan failure attributable to a septic shock. For 90 cases, two groups were stratified by their final diagnosis: 33 of for non violent deaths and 57 of violent deaths. There was no significant elevation of procalcitonin rate (PCT) in the group of violent deaths. We noted 6 elevations of PCT rate above 10 ng/mL for non violent deaths (15.4%) and in 3 cases there was an evidence for an infectious context (recent anti-infectious treatments, chemotherapy in progress).
Control of CRP performed on blood samples found initial elevations above 10 mg/L in 3 of the 6 cases (including 2 of 3 cases associated with an infectious context). There is no evidence of PCT rate increase for intermediate PMI (post mortem interval), long PMI and undefined PMI. This study found a PPV (positive predictive value) and clinical specificity of 100% for a cutoff set at 10 ng/mL. By taking this threshold, no significant PCT increase was observed in presence of death cases related to a violent origin as well as a fatal multi-organ failure due to malignant hyperthermia syndrome induced by neuroleptic use. The PCT appears to remain stable over time and whatever the conservation conditions of the body.

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