Research Article
Procalcitonin Interest to Assess a Septic State Inducing the Death
N Sadeg, F Tarlier, L Veneau and H Belhadj-Tahar
- Association Française de la Promotion de la Recherche Médicale (AFPreMed), 31100 Toulouse. - Unité Médico-Judiciaire, Centre Hospitalier Emmanuel Rain, 25 rue Pierre de Theilley 95500 Gonesse. - Service des Urgences-SMUR Centre Hospitalier Léon Binet, Route de Chalautre 77160 Provins.
For 90 cases, two groups were stratified by their final diagnosis: 33 of natural deaths and 57of violent deaths. There were no significant elevation of procalcitonin (PCT) in the group of violent deaths. We noted 6 elevations of PCT for deaths of natural origin (15.4%) and in 3 cases there was an evidence for an infectious context (recent anti-infectious treatments, chemotherapy in progress). Control of CRP performed on blood samples found initial elevations above 100 mg / L in 3 of the 6 cases (including 2 of 3 cases associated with an infectious context). There is no evidence of increased frequency of positive PCT for intermediate TPM (time post mortem), long TPM and undefined TPM. The PCT appears to remain stable over time and whatever the conservation conditions of the body. However given the size of some subgroups, it appears necessary to extend this study. The latter study found a PPV (positive predictive value) and clinical specificity of 100% for a cutoff set at 10 ng / L. By taking this threshold, we find no significant increase in cases of violent deaths.
Keywords: Procalcitonin, Sepsis, Biomarker (Pro-calcitonine, septicémie, Biomarqueur)
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